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OUVRAGES HYDRAULIQUES Boillat, J.-L., Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. Approche méthodologique PMP-PMF. Application au barrage des Toules, Proceedings de la Conférence sur la Sécurité des Grands Barrages, Liège, Belgique. 1999.                                                                                                           Bollaert, E.F.R. et al. . The Karahnjukar Hydroelectric Project: a transient analysis of the waterways system, Proceedings of the XXI IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machines and Systems, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. 2002.                                                                                       Bollaert, E.F.R. The influence of joint aeration on dynamic uplift of concrete slabs of plunge pool linings, submitted for the XXXth IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece. 2003.                                        Bollaert, E.F.R., Manso, P. & Schleiss, A.J. Dynamic pressure fluctuations at real-life plunge pool bottoms, Hydraulics of Dams and River Structures, Teheran, Iran, pp. 117-124. 2004.                 Bollaert, E.F.R., Vrchoticky, B. & Falvey, H.T. Extreme Scour Prediction at High-Head Concrete Dam and Stilling Basin (United States), 3rd Intl. Scour and Erosion Conference, Amsterdam. 2006.                                                                                                             HYDRAULIQUE ENVIRONNEMENTALE Bollaert, E.F.R. & Boillat, J.-L. Evaluation de la biodynamique d’une zone alluviale par simulation hydrodynamique, Bulletin du Génie Biologique, Bulletin N° 4, pp. 20-25. 1999. EROSION ET AFFOUILLEMENT REFEREED Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. Discussion of: Simulation of Scour process in Plunging Pool of Loose Bed-Material, Jia et al. (2001), Vol. 127, N°3, pp. 219-229. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, 721-723. 2001 Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. Scour of rock due to high velocity plunging jets: Part I: a state-of-the-art review, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Delft, The Netherlands. 2003                         Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. Scour of rock due to high velocity plunging jets: Part II: Experimental results of dynamic pressures at pool bottoms and in one-and two-dimensional closed-end rock joints, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Delft, The Netherlands. 2003                         Bollaert, E.F.R.  A comprehensive model to evaluate scour formation in plunge pools. Int. Journal of Hydropower & Dams, pp. 94-101. 2004                                                                               Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. A physically based scour evaluation model for fractured rock, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 2005                                                                             Manso, P. Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. Impact pressures of turbulent high-velocity jets plunging in pools with flat bottom, Experiments in Fluids. 2006. Bollaert, E.F.R. & Mason, P.J. A Physically based Model for Scour Prediction at Srisailam Dam, Intl. Journal of Hydropower & Dams, Issue 4, pp. 96-103. 2006.                                            Manso, P. Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. Evaluation of high-velocity plunging jet issuance characteristics as a basis for plunge pool analysis, Journal of Hydraulic Research, accepted for publication, 2007. Bollaert, E.F.R. (2008). Discussion of : “Jet Impact Geometry and Plunge Pool Dimensions Effects on Dynamic Pressures at Pool Sidewalls”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 35, pp. 1347-1348 Bollaert, E.F.R., Schleiss, A.J. (2009): Discussion of : “Closure problem to jet scour”, G. Hoffmans, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 47, 1 Bollaert, E.F.R. (2012): Wall jet rock scour in plunge pools: a quasi-3D prediction model. Intl. Journal of Hydropower & Dams, 2012. NON-REFEREED Bollaert, E.F.R. Spectral density modulation of plunge pool bottom pressures inside rock fissures, Proceedings of the XXIXth IAHR Congress, Student Paper Competition, Beijing. 2001. Bollaert, E.F.R. The influence of plunge pool air entrainment on the presence of free air in rock joints, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rock Scour, September 25-28 2002, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. 2002. Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. Air bubble effects on transient water pressures in rock fissures due to high velocity jet impact, Proceedings of the XXIXth IAHR Congress, Beijing. 2001. Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. A new approach for better assessment of rock scouring due to high velocity jets at dam spillways, Proceedings of the 5th ICOLD European Symposium, Geiranger, Norway. 2001.                                                                                                                         Bollaert, E.F.R., Pirotton, M. & Schleiss, A.J. Multiphase transient flow and pressures in rock joints due to high velocity jet impact: an experimental and numerical approach, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Arizona State University, Tempe. 2001. Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. Physikalisch Begründeter Ansatz zur Abschätzung von Endkolktiefen im Fels infolge von Hochdruckstrahlen, International Symposium Moderne Methoden und Konzepte im Wasserbau, ETHZ, Switzerland. 2002. Bollaert, E.F.R., Falvey, H.T. &Schleiss, A.J. Assessment of turbulent jet impingement in plunge pools: the particular characteristics of a near-prototype physical model study, Proceedings of Riverflow 2002, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique. 2002. Bollaert, E.F.R., Annandale, G. & Schleiss, A.J. Scour of rock due to high-velocity jet impact: a physically based scour model compared to an erodibility index method, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rock Scour, September 25-28 2002, EPFL, Lausanne. 2002. Bollaert, E.F.R. The influence of joint aeration on dynamic uplift of concrete slabs of plunge pool linings, submitted for the XXXth IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece. 2003.                                      Bollaert, E.F.R. A new procedure to evaluate dynamic uplift of concrete linings or rock blocks in plunge pools, Intl. Symp. on Hydraulics of Dams and River Structures, Teheran, Iran, pp. 125- 132. 2004. Bollaert, E.F.R. & Hofland, B. The Influence of Flow Turbulence on Particle Movement due to Jet Impingement, 2nd Scour and Erosion Conference, Singapore. 2004. Bollaert, E.F.R. Erosion of Fractured Media: Case studies, 2nd Scour and Erosion Conference, Singapore. 2004.                                                                                                                                 Bollaert, E.F.R. The Influence of Geomechanic and Hydrologic Uncertainties on Scour at Large Dams: Case Study of Kariba Dam (Zambia-Zimbabwe), ICOLD Annual Meeting, Teheran. 2005.                 Bollaert, E.F.R. Physics Based Scour Model Applied To Tucurui Dam (Brazil), Intl Symp. on Hydraulic Structures, Venezuela. 2006. Bollaert, E.F.R. Application of a Physics Based Scour Prediction Model To Tucurui Dam Spillway (Brazil), 3rd Intl. Scour and Erosion Conference, Amsterdam. 2006. Bollaert, E.F.R., Schleiss, A.J. and Stefansson, B. (2008): Scour Formation At Bottom Outlet Of Kárahnjúkar Dam, 4th Intl. conference on Scour and Erosion, Tokyo, Japan. Bollaert, E.F.R., Bretz, N.-V. (2008): Plunge pool Design at Gebidem Dam (Switzerland), 4th Intl. conference on Scour and Erosion, Tokyo, Japan. Lesleighter, E. and Bollaert, E.F.R. (2008): Application of procedures for estimation of rock erosion for overflow of dams - illustrated by application to Julius Dam, Queensland, ANCOLD 2008, Gold Coast, Australia. Bollaert, E.F.R. (2009): Dynamic Uplift of Concrete Linings: Theory and Case Studies, USSD Annual Meeting, April 24-26 2009, Nashville, United States. Bollaert, E.F.R. (2009): The Influence of Long-Term Flood increases on Safety Design of Plunge pools, 2nd Long Term Behavior of Dams LTBD conference, October 12-13 2009, Graz, Austria. Bollaert, E.F.R. (2010): A Prototype scaled rock scour prediction model, USSD Annual Meeting, April 12-15 2010, Sacramento, United States. Bollaert, E.F.R. & Schleiss, A.J. (2010): Rock behavior in plunge pools of high-head dams, EUROCK 2010 Conference, June 15-17 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland. Bollaert, E.F.R. (2010):    Rock scour at hydraulic structures: a practical engineering approach, Geo-Strata July-August 2010.  Bollaert, E.F.R. (2010):   A Prototype scaled Rock Scour Prediction Model, USSD conference, Sacramento 11-15 April 2010.  Bollaert, E.F.R. (2010): The Comprehensive Scour Model: Theory and Feedback from Practice, 5th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, San Francisco, November 2010.  Bollaert, E.F.R. (2011):    Penstock Scour Formation at Bluestone Dam, USSD Conference, San Diego, April 2011.  MORPHOLOGIE ET TRANSPORT SOLIDE Bollaert, E.F.R., Boillat, J.-L. & Golliard, B. Sedimentation of the artificial lake of Rossinière, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling, Testing & Monitoring for Hydro Powerplants – III, Aix-en-Provence, Hydropower & Dams, Aqua-Media International Ltd., pp. 59-70. 1999. Boillat, J.-L. & Bollaert, E.F.R. Modeling and measurement of muddy debris flows, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering, Paul Scherrer Institut PSI, Villigen, pp. 65-68. 1999.                                     Bollaert, E.F.R., Irniger, P. & Schleiss, A. Management of sedimentation in a multiple purpose reservoir in a run-of-river powerplant project on an Alpine river, Proceedings of HYDRO 2000 - Making Hydro more Competitive, Session III: Sediment Management, Berne, Switzerland, pp. 183-192. 2000.                                                                                                                                        Bollaert, E.F.R., Irniger, P. & Schleiss, A. Beherrschung der Verlandung in einem Mehrzweckstausee eines Laufkraftwerkes an einem stark sedimentführenden Fluss, Proceedings Wasserbau Symposium "Betrieb und Überwachung wasserbaulicher Anlagen", Graz, Austria, no 34, pp. 534-552. 2000.                                                                                                                             Bollaert, E.F.R. et al. Sediment management examples in Swiss Alpine reservoirs. Proceedings International Workshop and Symposium on Reservoir Sedimentation Management, 26-27 October, Tokyo, Japan. 2000.  Kantoush, S., Bollaert, E.F.R., boillat, J.-L., Schleiss, A.J. Influence of reservoir geometry on suspended load transport in shallow reservoirs. 2005. DANGERS NATURELS Boillat, J.-L., Bollaert, E.F.R., Schleiss, A.J. Approche méthodologique PMP-PMF. Application au barrage des Toules, Proceedings de la Conférence sur la Sécurité des Grands Barrages, Liège, Belgique. 1999.                                                                                                                                               Boillat, J.-L. & Bollaert, E.F.R. Modeling and measurement of muddy debris flows, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering, Paul Scherrer Institut PSI, Villigen, pp. 65-68. 1999.                                   Bollaert, E.F.R. et al. Optimisation of detention basin systems using the data flow programming technique, Proceedings of the 2nd Inter-regional Conference on Environment-Water 99, EPFL. 2000.                                                                                                                                                 
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